Sunday, March 16, 2008

117 reasons why I hate IE 7 for Windows

Ok, Microsoft, thank you for pissing off all of those hard working web developers and showing us all how much a multimillion dollar company can totally SUCK at fixing their own bugs and making us code-monkeys look like a bunch of complete idiots.

Not only did your non-compliance to standardization of any type, make my clients angry with me.   But your stupid virus program that you call Vista just makes me even more pissed off.

Sure, I can boycott your inferior operating system and sing praises to Leopard (despite the 0% battery bug I have to look at every day, yes Apple I am looking at you too, but I will admit Leopard by and large KICKS ARSE)

If there are any Microsoft advocates that want to point the finger that Leopard has problems, I would implore them to point their browsers (use IE 7 at your own peril) to this link and read.

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