Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wife v1.0

Girlfriend 6.0 vs. Wife 1.0
Comparative Trial

Last year a friend of mine upgraded from GirlFriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0 and found that it's a memory hog leaving very little system resources available for other applications. He is now noticing that Wife 1.0 is also spawning Child Processes which are further consuming valuable resources. No mention of this particular phenomena was included in the product brochure or the documentation, though other users have informed him that this is to be expected due to the nature of the application.

Not only that, Wife 1.0 installs itself such that it is always launched at system initialization, where it can monitor all other system activity. He's finding that some applications such as PokerNight 10.3, BeerBash 2.5, and PubNight 7.0 are no longer able to run in the system at all, crashing the system when selected (even though they always worked fine before). During installation, Wife 1.0 provides no option as to the installation of undesired Plug-Ins such as MotherInLaw 55.8 and BrotherInLaw Beta release. Also, system performance seems to diminish with each passing day.
Some features he'd like to see in the upcoming wife 2.0.

  1. a "Don't remind me again" button
  2. a Minimize button
  3. An install shield feature that allows Wife 2.0 be installed with the option to uninstall at any time without the loss of cache and other system resources
  4. An option to run the network driver in promiscuous mode which would allow the system's hardware probe feature to be much more useful.

I myself decided to avoid the headaches associated with Wife 1.0 by sticking with Girlfriend 7.0. Even here, however, I found many problems. Apparently you cannot install Girlfriend 7.0 on top of Girlfriend 6.0. You must uninstall Girlfriend 6.0 first. Other users say this is a long standing bug that I should have known about. Apparently the versions of Girlfriend have conficts over shared use of the I/O port. You think they would have fixed such a stupid bug by now. To make matters worse, The uninstall program for Girlfriend 6.0 doesn't work very well leaving undesirable traces of the application in the system. Another thing -- all versions of Girlfriend continually popup little annoying messages about the advantages of upgrading to Wife 1.0.

Bug Warning

Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete MSMoney files before doing the uninstall itself. Then Mistress 1.1 will refuse to install, claiming insufficient resources.

Bug work-arounds:
To avoid this bug, try installing Mistress 1.1 on a different system and never run any file transfer applications such as Laplink 6.0. Also, beware of similar shareware applications that have been known to carry viruses that may affect Wife 1.0. Another solution would be to run Mistress 1.1 via a UseNet provider under an anonymous name. Here again, beware of the viruses which can accidently be downloaded from the UseNet.

Tech Support Suggestions

These are very common problem men complain about, but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a Utilities & Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is indeed an operating system and designed by its creator to run everything.

It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert back to Girlfriend 6.0. Hidden operating files within your system would cause Girlfriend 6.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing is gained. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 6.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this.

Some have tried to install Girlfriend 7.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than the original system. Look in your manual under "Warnings - Alimony/Child support". I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and deal with the situation.

I suggest installing background application program C:\YES DEAR to alleviate software augmentation. Having installed Wife 1.0 myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur, regardless of their cause. The best course of action will be to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE. In any case avoid excessive use of C:\YES DEAR because ultimately you may have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the operating system will return to normal. The system will run smoothly as long as you take the blame for all the GPFs.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but very high-maintenance. Consider buying additional software to improve the performance of Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 3.1 and Diamonds 2K. Do not, under any circumstances, install Secretary with Short Skirt 3.3. This is not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of Luck,
Tech Support

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Microsoft vows to open up

Microsoft says it will make available about 30,000 pages of once-secret technical information on its products. What will the company may be hoping to gain by giving out the documentation.

Check it out Market Place has the details.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Boycott eBay

Well I can say that the eBay bullshit is just too much for me (or my Paypal account) to bear.

The interface is clumsy, and amateurish. At the cost of selling your products, they tax you either way if you sell or not, they just tax you more when you sell. I found it hard to sell anything over a fucking dollar, eBay is truly a better buyers market than sellers one.

I am not only Boycotting eBay, but I am going to build a better eBay like site, but with blackjack and hookers. Then they own Paypal, and they hold your coin for an additional 4-5 days. Their stupid credit card won't work on the majority of 3rd party cash uploading sites.

Fuck them and fuck their Bank, I want options and I want my coin now!

I have a fuck-en business to run, not a clown to support.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rogue, Dead Guy Ale

Over priced, but worth most of it.

Has a kick to it in a nutty sort of way. This ale is, good, and gets its buzz on quickly. These premium, ales are better than that Bud beer. It certainly has the kick and the quality can't be beat.

I have the good fortune to rate beers and fine ales. On a scale from 1 - 10 I would award a strong 8, would of been a 9 if price was more competitive with the competition, but in their league there is little competition, maybe Samuel Adams.

I would buy this more often, If I could afford it, for now it is a treat for the cynosure in me.

Leo Laporte, my hero

I often suggest people goto Leo's show (he has several). Because he is the tech guy. He has a capability to translate technology to end users. In a way that is not abrasive, but rather...friendly.

This guy rocks. I listen as much as I can, on off hours, when I am developing. Check out his pod-casts, I draw allot of inspiration from him. He convinced me Audio is key in the audio/video world.

He is a Mac user, but he works with the others I am sure.

Keep up the great work, Leo.

Microsoft to Give Away Developer Tools?

Does it seriously have to get to the point where you have to give your tools away for new developers to tinker with them? Mircrosoft is giving away to students a full version of Visual Studio Professional Edition. About f*ck'n time, but if they really wanted to save face they would open up that offer to everybody.

They claim that there tools are more powerful, honestly any tool is powerful in the right hands, whether it is from the Cathedral Microsoft camp or the Bazaar Open-source camp. is reporting that Microsoft will make full versions of their development tools available to students.

"The Redmond-based software maker said late Monday it will let students download Visual Studio Professional Edition, a software development environment; Expression Studio, which includes graphic design and Web site and hybrid Web-desktop programming tools; and XNA Game Studio 2.0, a video game development program. Gates said students will want to try Microsoft's tools because they're more powerful than the open-source combination of Linux-based operating systems, the Apache Web server, the MySQL database and the PHP scripting language used to make complex Web sites. But Gates said giving away Microsoft software isn't intended to turn students against open source software entirely. Rather, he hopes it will just add one more tool to their belt."

Tools are tools, and Microsoft has tools a plenty. I would burn this, on my Mac in a virtual partition to test drive it, compare it to GNU and cc of the UNIX world and maybe come away with, Eclipse


  • free

  • open source

  • mature

  • interactive IDE (code completion, debugging, refactoring)

  • supports multiple languages

  • Eclipse Rich Client Platform

  • easily customizable, modifiable, pluggable, more..

Monday, February 18, 2008

Linux is just an OS!

Skills with the Operating System, and how-to with Linux is what is at stake. The penguin certainly has a hold of the hacker community and for all the right reasons. I would say that all things being equal I would think of Lenovo from IBM. Just to be on the safe side for utility. (

Mac is nice, no doubt, I would certainly love to have their solid-state Mac Air. I am "disappointed" that their is no optical drive, no RJ-45 wired port and no non-proprietary battery.

I am already boycotting Apple's stupid iPhone because of the AT&T arrangement. gPhone is the winner in my book, hands down. A cell phone device, would be the only computer one would need for specialty operations, it runs Linux...nuff said.

Windows Wins? Linux Loses!

It is decided, the mob rulez.

Windows is the champion in the OS WAR, aside from having an army of clones and nodes, with every worm, virus, and trojan known in hackerdom and a keystroke logger with a return email address to your proxy and ssl encrypted one time use email.

Now Microsoft has assumed that the users have become extra retarded with Vista, now the official retarded progeny of the Microsoft Empire, I will assume this is its flagship product, and a total slap in the face of the computer nerds who know anything.

But, for all its fatal flaws, it scores over Linux because of the obvious and the not so obvious things.

First, the obvious

Windows boots into the GUI from the start.

Without direction, Linux boots into command prompt.

The delicate surgical operation, to install earlier versions of Linux required more patience and through understanding of specific motherboard layouts, and BIOS settings. When I installed earlier versions of Linux (Redhat), I opted for the non-graphical installs as not to tax the computers resources and get a cleaner install.

Windows boots into a GUI from the start, from pretty every option on user friendly world of welcome. Pre-installation, means allot when you have a new system. 99.9% of the sheeple will never venture far from the start button.

But for the 0.1% that truly give a fuck, the command prompt of Linux gives a real time living example of its magnificence. but the weakness of having a patchwork of C code and no real direction of how to use it is the Achilles heel of Linux. Open Source, is only really open to those who know how to use it well. The more you know how things work the better Open Source will serve ones needs.

Windows, has at best one salvageable attribute, with XP pro, its a hacker's Tonka Toy playground. Linux, of course, is the hacker's weapon of choice.

The not so obvious

Linux is a surpassingly elegant Operating System once the learning curve is leveled its elegance becomes apart of its user. But it is a task, to become efficient and to have sufficient foreknowledge to make ones tasks meaningful. Linux is a toolkit for the professional more than a user friendly tools for the hobbiest that XP/Vista seem to be.

Bootable Linux, is a bootable toolkit ready for any system it is configurable with, whether old school CD bootable or new spy-school USB, every hacker worth her salt should always have at least one bootable USB.

Access to a uncontaminated Operating System, to target actual hard-drives that are connected to the net.

Windows, of course, will win. It is a virus that has infected the mind of the majority of its users. Microsoft wants to be a player, so they will invariably come up with something to make its comeback.'s a matter of capital punishment. If you have the capital, you don't get punished

Monday, February 11, 2008

Android, Mobile Device Emulator

Android is the platform for the gPhone. The gPhone is Google's own Linux compatible, hardware platform. The device is not available to the public, yet, but the emulator allows programs to be written and tested be for the actual release of the gPhone itself.

Android, of course, is the complete solution for cellular phone services and specialized applications. This has the power of Linux on a cellular device, that trumps the iPhone, hands down.

I would trust Google to engineer this right, the first time. Since they have the stance of playing the field of cellular business, but not an actual "player" in the cellular business, meaning, they do not have any biases or ties, like Apple does with AT&T.

Google is offering a reward for applications developed under their Android system. It is very nice but still lacks in demonstrating very key features.

And now the downside...
  • No support for placing or receiving actual phone calls. You can simulate phone calls (placed and received) through the emulator console, however.
  • No support for USB connections
  • No support for camera/video capture (input).
  • No support for audio input (capture). Output (playback) is supported.
  • No support for device-attached headphones
  • No support for determining connected state
  • No support for determining battery charge level and AC charging state
  • No support for determining SD card insert/eject
  • No support for Bluetooth

But the upside, rocks.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Knoppix on a USB

Check this link out. Knoppix on USB thumb-drives are fully bootable and operational computer systems that kick arse. This makes analyzing a new machine easier and less prone to mss-analysis when analyzing code from a compromised operating system on the machine.

Since thumb-drives are nicer than bootable CDs, less cumbersome and re-writable and now have insane memory capacity. I would put this on a 8 gig thumb-drive, 2 gigs for the Operating System (more than what it needs) and 6 gigs for "everything else". I guess I will always carry a CD-R just in case.

We are going to build Android development USBs on Knoppix memory-sticks, with full encryption.

The Weapon of Choice...

Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
Apple is, in our opinion, the best commercial alternative, their shift to the Intel chip-set makes (with some minor configuration) OS X, usable on other Intel PC devices. Leopard, makes modern Macs a Uber Hacker elite just by having such a beautiful and elegant tool.
  • I got a 250 GIG drive for it, now trying to get my hands on Leopard 10.5.1
  • I got 2 GIGs of RAM.
  • 150 gig harddrive space allocated to OS X
  • I will have 100 gig for temp media storage
This is important.

I would love to get the Mac Air, but Wi-Fi only access would not fly with the amount of utility required for major operations. and no optical drive?!? WTF!!! The battery....?

But you can't argue with its elegance, slim grace, and look. Its a beauty to behold, don't bring it to dirty parties, only black tie affairs.

The real deal is leopard, that cat is hard to get a collar for.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Android Supported Operating Systems

Ok everybody, Android is OS friendly. Android will install on XP/Vista, OSX, Linux. Each has its own temperament and levels of friendliness. The feel of different Operating Systems are ones personal preference. I will offer my advice on this. Of the 3 major Operating Systems on the market.

Windows XP or Vista
As much as I dislike XP and Vista, I realize it is the standard. XP or Vista deserves to be put in a virtual cage, and stay there. XP should never be a base install on any hard-drive partition. Just to be safe. XP from its virtual prison is powerless to infect the rest of the system should there be any...complications.

Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later (x86 only)
Apple is the best commercial alternative, their shift to the Intel chip-set makes (with minor configuration) OS X, usable on other Intel PC devices. Leopard, makes modern Macs a Uber Hacker elite just by having such a beautiful and elegant tool.

Linux (tested on Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake)
XP is a prisoner in a Virtual cage, OS X is reported to be the best commercial alternative. Linux, simply, is the best alternative. The level of power Linux has in development is awesome as it is built with the power of kernel level granularity allows Linux to be the hands down victor as a Android Development platform.

For Futurama Fans

Future Perfect, of XML

link #1 (sites reliable news source)

link #2 (sites direct source)

The story so far. XML, aka Xtended Markup Language

Thursday, February 7, 2008

PS3 Price Drop, Cell Hits 45nm

IBM announced that the Cell CPU (used in the PlayStation 3) will soon make the transition to IBM's next-gen 45nm high-k process. 'The 45nm Cell will use about 40 percent less power than its 65nm predecessor, its die area will be reduced by 34 percent.

A practical up shot of this is the greatly reduced power budget that will minimize the amount of active cooling required for the PS/3 console, which in turn will make it cheaper to produce and even more reliable.

Sony's per-unit cost is the reduction in overall die size. A smaller die means a smaller, cheaper package; it also means that yields will be better and that each chip will cost less overall.

I would like this more if they allow PS3/Linux users to access 7 of 8 SPUs instead of only 6.

A price drop would be nice (though when compared to the Xbox360, the PS3 is very competitive), When is the PS3 slim appears, all the pieces will be in place for a slim.

Since Sony has been aggressively shrinking the motherboard in the PS3, and the chip size has dropped from 90nm, to 65nm and now 45nm. All that means less power (smaller PSU) and less heat (less fans & heat-sinks). Smarter design means a better product than its prototypes.

Dan Morrill builds a simple application on Android platform

I just saw Dan Morrill's video on Youtube. He does a fairly good job explaining how-to program a simple application on the gPhone emulator.

Of course, the possibilities are endless, and the portability of J2ME devices would be seamless. Java is the, more intelligent, weapon of choice for this platform and Google has its own classes designed for the gPhone.

I am looking forward to more videos like this, specifically in relation to the OpenGL capabilities with this platform. I am sure some very wicked interfaces can be designed and enhanced upon to give it all the glitz and glamour of the iPhone with the full scale raw power of a Linux based smart phone.

Our Black Beauty, (intel) Mac-Book will be repaired and installed with Leopard ready to commit to some full scale Eclipse development. I would love to explore this for networked gaming possibilities, with the built-in capabilities of the device's GPS (global positioning system).

Saturday, February 2, 2008

EEtimes Speculates on The Initial gPhone details

I would encourage the majority of our readers to take a look at the detail link for the gPhone device. Android, of course, will be the platform of choice and the capability to port Java applications over to it makes it a nice segway into becoming a standard for the cellphone market.

If this does not show Google as a major player in the cellphone market I am unsure what will. Google had their eye on the spectrum market, and made the auction a level playing field as much as it could. Well, for the billionaires that could afford the minimum bid of about 4 billion.

I am excited to see where this is going and what we can do with this technology.