Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rogue, Dead Guy Ale

Over priced, but worth most of it.

Has a kick to it in a nutty sort of way. This ale is, good, and gets its buzz on quickly. These premium, ales are better than that Bud beer. It certainly has the kick and the quality can't be beat.

I have the good fortune to rate beers and fine ales. On a scale from 1 - 10 I would award a strong 8, would of been a 9 if price was more competitive with the competition, but in their league there is little competition, maybe Samuel Adams.

I would buy this more often, If I could afford it, for now it is a treat for the cynosure in me.


Kirk Coburn said...

$10.50 per 6 pack is steep. Hope someday it is affordable for us common folk who enjoy more than a couple 6 packs per month.

Unknown said...

Is it available to buy anywhere online? Its pricey but I would like to try it. I am always buying different types of Beer and Ale particularly on the web cos most shops local to me dont sell any.