Thursday, January 17, 2008


PhoneCash/4Ray, what I like about it.

J2ME, written in Java, object oriented, language at that. They got it running on a nice sexy black Motorola Razor. The interface is simple. I would like to see a developers version of this soon, a top bar menu GUI to do administration and auditing work to the PhoneCash/4Ray application.

Since it is in Java, porting the code to a Java compatable architecture would be the next logical step with this.

Here is a simple overview of how the PhoneCash/4Ray works.

Its simplicity and minimalistic design and the fact that they have developed predefined stored proceedures constrains the window of attack opportunity, for SQL injection attack as well as the user holding the key of authenticity in their crainium, even if the cell unit is compromized it would be usless without the correct pin number. This adds an extra layer of security.

I will post more as I explore this device.

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