Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Harvard Law School professor Charles Nesson on Poker

The professor of poker. This guy rocks and I hope he is able to get the stupid law forbidding online poker in the US. I have always had a dream of developing a online mobile poker solution for the poker enthusiast, to play anytime and anywhere on a cellphone specifically on the Google Android platform.

The major obstacles are not technical ones, many online poker websites exist, but legal ones. I myself have lost $800 from my (now defunct) Netteller account when, with a stroke of a pen our infinitely wise president George W. Bush signed a law to make online poker illegal in the US.
I am sure other people lost much more.
Professor Charles Nesson discusses on the Goolge Tech Talks on Youtube about ways that poker can be used as a powerful tool for teaching core negotiation and business skills.

He is founder of the Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society (GPSTS), an organization focused on developing an academic curriculum using poker as a teaching tool. I am a firm believer that poker can be used to teach important life skills such as game theory, strategic thinking, risk assessment, and money management in an engaging and interactive way.

Even Steven Colbert from the Colbert Report interviewed the professor.

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