Monday, December 31, 2007
Wii hacked at the Chaos Computer Congress
Its only a matter of time before we will be able to have bootable Linux CD/DVDs working on the Wii.
Check out this link for the other neat stuff the CCC is doing this year.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Day my MacBook died

Yikes, I never thought I would see the day where a Mac bit the dust, but it has in fact done so. Specifically, the native hard-drive that came with the unit. I was able to save and back up the crux of my work but not everything.
This is a picture of the boot-up screen. I am now looking to get another SATA Hard-drive and a new installation of Leopard.
I am on my PowerBookG4 now, old faithful with a PPC chip-set (not the Intel)
It just goes to show that all machines are prone to wear and tear, I am not a snooty Mac user, and in Mac's defense it was just a hard-drive failure not a virus that bricked the thing.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Google's gPhone coming in February!?!

Gentlemen, install your SDKs, and get ready to rock. With hardware units specifically designed to utilize Google's gPhone platform, this will allow pretty much everybody to program just about anything one can imagine. In the immortal words of Han Solo, "I can imagine quite allot".
Having a platform like this rocks...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Windows lesson #1, install Cygwin

This Windows clone will offer Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP (WAMP) integration, this is similar to Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP). Specially geared with specific applications to lessen the learning curve for new UNIX/Linux interfacing.
Windoze in one, SuSE, in another and Fedora 8 all housed in Tiger on my Mac.
Windows XP
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows
Sorry to say this to Windoze, but without Cygwin XP would be severely gimped. Cygwin gives the full power of UNIX through your terminal window.

This is a good thing because the native C/C++ compilers allow programability from the get-go. I am looking at .NET to begin the testing of its integrity and security weaknesses. Keeping our Window proto-type in a virtual prison we are able to better safe guard our Windows specific applications and .NET web development.
We do this in sync with our open source equivalent, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on the Macs main operating system, since Macs are essentially BSD UNIX they already come with full UNIX functionality. The unfortunate fact of XP gimpness "mandates" the immediate install of Cygwin so XP would not suck so much.

This is a good thing because the native C/C++ compilers allow programability from the get-go. I am looking at .NET to begin the testing of its integrity and security weaknesses. Keeping our Window proto-type in a virtual prison we are able to better safe guard our Windows specific applications and .NET web development.
We do this in sync with our open source equivalent, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on the Macs main operating system, since Macs are essentially BSD UNIX they already come with full UNIX functionality. The unfortunate fact of XP gimpness "mandates" the immediate install of Cygwin so XP would not suck so much.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Playing at being a game designer

It seems that in this industry, you got to be a God of code just to get an entry level intern position. Yes it is very tough, to get a gig in the gaming world. Unless you have a unique idea that has not infringed on any proprietary or patented copy-writes and that has fully demonstrable with your own source code and your own graphics and your own story line half way to market. The studios will give you a snub look and thank you for your time.
Game studios can be hard on many aspiring developers. If you are new to the game of game development and you are seeking a gig in it, best assume that the "creative" (read non-engineering and non-programming) positions have already been accounted for, typically by a manager with an accredited degree in Business Management and absolutely no clue (or a desire to learn about) new game technologies. After all that is why they hire Gods that can code the work of 100 engineers, to deal with the meddling details of actually doing the work.
This blog is dedicated to the aspiring developers that would, in addition to programming and engineering, like to try the creative roles that have typically been doled out to the nepotism pre-hand selected clueless administrative managers that don't code a lick of C/C++ but can make unreasonable requests and impose ridiculous deadlines.
So what are we looking at to click into this industry? Build it yourself, if you are not a God of code (yet), find others who have specialized talents to contribute. Compensate them, preferably with money, but recognition and status can play just as well, especially if they are in the same boat of scoring a gig.
The business of games so often includes more than just developing them, this is a multi-billion dollar industry with budgets that are well over several million dollars for a very good, tight team of engineers that can make the impossible, slightly probable.
Of course, now with the Internet and really inexpensive international development labor, one can almost be ones own game development studio. It is not uncommon for giant game studios to collaborate with teams that have been already proven and just needing a nice contract to be financed.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Windoze where it Parallels

I installed Parallels right away, and in that Win-32 XP. This is one of the perks of having a Mac being able to run Windows in a virtually safe environment. I wouldn't run Windows on the bare metal of any box, but because most of the corporate world does windows I will to for show and when I want to get into the meat and potatoes of my professional operations I switch to MacBook mode.
I nuked my's the only way to be sure
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The Game of the Game Industry

It is difficult for me to really figure out if being an employee is really any different than being a consultant. The same level of focus and commitment is typically required. I have always been of the opinion that contracting is always better albeit difficult sometimes more difficult to obtain. With the rise of recent layoffs being an employee gives a false sense of security and "permanent" positions are really not as permanent as as the pink slip holders would of hoped for.
I was recently contacted by several recruiters one in particular that supposedly has actual job offers for me if I would consent to becoming an employee and engage a permanent position, according to the recruiter I am having talks with apparently this is a standard practice in the industry.
I emailed off a Word resume (even though the same information can be downloaded from this blog). I have been curious about what this particular recruiter could bring to the table. The first time I had dealings with this particular recruiter, I was essentially told to buzz off and get some "real" game experience before he could help be land anything. So thats *exactly* what I did. Even went as far as to start my own development on the PS/3 and learn OpenGL development.
We will see just how permanent any offers that come my way will become.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Android (Java code)

Truth be known. we should start our GUI code right away
/* the GUI Graphical User Interface code */
/* */
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
...the rest of the code
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