Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Game of the Game Industry

The Game Industry is a dynamic and challenging environment. I have been engaging recruiters with various opportunities. In the midst of corporate uncertainty some want me to be a traditional employee with the traditional employee expectations under the typical employee constraints.

It is difficult for me to really figure out if being an employee is really any different than being a consultant. The same level of focus and commitment is typically required. I have always been of the opinion that contracting is always better albeit difficult sometimes more difficult to obtain. With the rise of recent layoffs being an employee gives a false sense of security and "permanent" positions are really not as permanent as as the pink slip holders would of hoped for.

I was recently contacted by several recruiters one in particular that supposedly has actual job offers for me if I would consent to becoming an employee and engage a permanent position, according to the recruiter I am having talks with apparently this is a standard practice in the industry.

I emailed off a Word resume (even though the same information can be downloaded from this blog). I have been curious about what this particular recruiter could bring to the table. The first time I had dealings with this particular recruiter, I was essentially told to buzz off and get some "real" game experience before he could help be land anything. So thats *exactly* what I did. Even went as far as to start my own development on the PS/3 and learn OpenGL development.

We will see just how permanent any offers that come my way will become.

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