This is not really apart of my blog of Android, but I am very impressed with this doctor from Germany. He is a spine surgeon I heard about. He is so sophisticated and Uber that he has developed his own specialized surgical tools for his trade.
Now, to give my audience an idea of just how absolutely Uber this is (to me at least) I put him on the level of a Samurai that forges his own katana or a hacker that constructs his own specialized laptop or even a race-car driver who works on his cars engine.
I always had a dream of becoming a plastic surgeon and even attended UCSD for a few years (taking biochemistry and pharmaceutical courses). But my consultancy was making more money than attending my classes and it was a choice between eating and providing shelter for myself or completing my college courses...guess my stomach won.
Anyway, Dr. Rudolph Bertagnoli, I admire your elite methods that defy convention and by creating your specialized tools to enhance your surgical skills beyond that of your typical "American" doctors. Gives a special meaning to...a fine product of German Engineering. You get a tip of the hat from me.